Interview a Blogger!, from Heritage of Grace


Rebekah from Heritage of Grace invited me to join her Interview a Blogger Challenge. When I first saw it on her blog, I thought that it would be something along the lines of : “Choose one blogger who hasn’t already been interviewed, and ask them ten questions about themselves, their life, their blog, and their plans for the future”. Assuming this, I decided it would be too difficult. Then Rebekah asked me specifically if I would do it, so I had a look, and…’s not like that! I don’t have to initiate contact with anyone, or make up any questions, or ask them of anyone! Instead, Rebekah has ever-so-kindly provided us with  questions, and we only have to ask ourselves!

Here goes!

What is your favorite hymn?
My favourite hymn is ” ‘Tis Not That I did Choose Thee“, because it was the first hymn I sang after I became a Christian, and after I professed my faith! My favourite psalm arrangement is “I Waited for the Lord Most High“.
What do you consider to be the most difficult book of the Bible? Why?

Well, actually I haven’t read them all. I’m picking Job, because at least once, I’ve started reading through the Bible and got stuck there!

A character trait you most admire in people?

Faithful, steadfast love. One of the few things I fear is being betrayed by a close friend.

What do you like most about your family?

Because we don’t have television, or go to school, we can spend lots of time together reading, talking and laughing.

What do you wish you could do more of?

Reading, especially the Bible, writing, dancing, praying, sewing, and knitting. The thing is, though, I do have the time for some of that 🙂

Favorite author and book?

Favourite authour, C. S. Lewis. Favourite book, the Bible.

Do you prefer active/outdoor activities or creative/indoor activities?

I like being inside, with a sea view out the window 🙂

Do you keep a journal/diary?

I have started many over the years. Most lasted less than a month. But early last year, I started recording the happiest moment of each day. I’m still going!

What is your favorite healthy food or recipe (ex: blueberries)?

Rice Salad, to Mum’s recipe.

Do you think music is neutral or does it have an influence on those who listen?

I think it has an influence on those who listen. I’m actually taking an informal survey with the question “How would you define decent music?” So feel free to answer that question in the comments!

Which historical person (besides Biblical characters) do you most admire?

William Tyndale.

What do you like best about blogging?

The way that God uses it to reveal Himself to me. Then I share it with other people, and they respond back! One of my love languages is Words of Affirmation and Encouragement 🙂 I also love taking surveys, so this has been great!

A big thank you to Rebekah for the challenge. Now it’s your turn. Be warned, if no-one says they’ll take it within two days, I’ll be asking specifically!

*Followers, please note: This is my fourth random (i.e. non-devotional) post. How are you liking it?

Interesting Page About Me, My Blog, and Our History :)

page colllageI’m getting tired of not posting. I have 20 drafts, but none are finished. Today, I published this page and thought you would be interested. This page is a collection of several things I’ve been wanting to put on my blog. They didn’t fit on any other page, and none deserved a page of their own. Have a read! :

So, I’m assuming that you are either a regular reader who is visiting this page for the first time, or else a new reader exploring… I’m Rhoda, and I wrote some about me here. But if you want to find out who I am, you’ll need to read through my posts, and pick the pieces of the puzzle 🙂 .

You should note that I live in New Zealand. This is why your comments show as (for example) ’12:30am’, and if I comment on your blog,….

To continue reading, click here 🙂

If you would like to know any more, or have any questions, please contact me, or leave a comment. Enjoy the rest of your week!


PerfectionI’ve been trying to keep my blog perfect. All my posts are grammatically correct. All the pictures are just so.

I’ve decided

that since I’m not perfect – my blog shouldn’t be either. Don’t worry, I’m not planning to ruin it. But even the title of this post is enough to mar the beauty.

On Saturday, Serving with Joy was six months old. So I’ve decided to list, in this very imperfect post, the most read six posts.

  1. Obedience is Only Instant
  2. Being a Jewel for God, by Aviel
  3. This World is Not Our Home
  4. Treasure God’s Name, Part One But not Part Two 😦
  5. Dear Subscribers, Not sure why that was so popular!
  6. Pictures of Home

And here is some news. Last week, BWBears nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award.

I’ve decided

not to accept it. Because I’m not sure about this whole blogging awards thing. It seems more like a chain letter than an award. And I couldn’t find 15 blogs to nominate. I don’t follow very many, but I’ll list them here anyway (everyone likes a bit of publicity 🙂 )

Tani Newton at Normal Education. Okay, this is my mum’s blog. But I still recommend it. Her most popular post is “Why I don’t want to talk about home schooling any more” 🙂

Candace C. at Virtuous Maidens. I’ve loved Candace’s blog since I first found it. So peaceful and welcoming. Her posts have a wide variety, from friendship and aprons to her poetry, and  occasional Hymns in Our Hearts post. Candace inspires us to “delve into the days of the past.”

Mrs Tehila Gonen at Women Abiding. “Encouraging Women to Abide in God and His Word”

Julia at Library Lover My colleague’s “Thoughts about libraries, books and everything in between 🙂 ” (at least, some of them!)

Bonnie Smithies at Bonnie’s Blessings This is Bonnie’s personal blog.

Olivia Howard at Fresh Modesty “Practical Wardrobe Encouragement.” I came across  Olivia’s blog quite recently, and I’ve been loving it! She really encourages girls to be “Cute, but covered. Stylish, but sensible! Contemporary, but classic! Feminine, but fresh!”

Sayna S. at Shining Arrows My dear friend Sayna’s magazine’s blog. She’s just decided to take a break from blogging about her personal life, and take time to refocus. But her Bloopers posts are ridiculously funny…

Esther Rose at Joyful Maiden Another friend of Sayna. Esther also blogs at Jewels of Jesus.

Hanah Lou at Dance to Life is enjoying everyday life – and everything it throws at her.

Cayla and Ashley, two sweet girls who are singers, and – well, look at their blog, ’cause I couldn’t tell you!

Told you there weren’t many. If I left you out, please leave a comment.

A bit more news: we went to Christchurch for Queen’s Birthday weekend. I went to a Missions Conference, and Mum went to this conference.

Well, that’s the end of my imperfect post. What did you think? Should I go back to the old ways? Or is a mix of both your preference?

In Christ,