The Modesty Survey


Dear Friends,

I’d like to introduce you to the results of‘s massive Modesty Survey! Over 1,600 Christian guys have answered questions on everything from glitter lotion and lip gloss to swimsuits and skirt length! It’s everything girls have ever wanted to ask guys about modesty, but were afraid to ask!

Most importantly, the survey is presented as a resource to help Christian girls (and guys), not a list of legalistic rules, and it is accompanied by the Modesty Survey Petition (which tons of guys have signed) which encourage young women to focus on the heart, not the hemline, to honor their parents, etc.

I think that this is a wonderful resource, which helped me to understand what guys actually find distracting. A wonderful tool which can assist us in serving our brothers in Christ!

The results were released on St. Valentine’s Day 2007 as a gift from 1,600 Christian guys to all Christian girls — and I can’t think of a better one! Now the survey is being endorsed by people like Shaunti Feldhahn (“For Women Only”) Nancy Leigh DeMoss (Revive Our Hearts), CJ Mahaney (Sovereign Grace Ministries) and Shannon Ethridge (“Every Woman’s Battle”)!

Go and check it out:

But also make sure you spread the word to all your friends. We want as many Christian girls (and guys) as possible to see this, so forward this message on!

Your (Excited) Friend,
(Adapted from The Rebolution’s sample blog post)

P.S. Guys, they are still accepting signatures for the Modesty Survey Petition, so this is an opportunity for you still to share your voice on the topic of modesty!