SWJ: The First Year

Okay. It’s time – for me to reflect on my first year of blogging.

January: Starting on New Years’ Day 2013, Aviel and I posted together for eight weeks.
February: Then, tearfully, our blogging ways separated. Aviel and I are still the best of friends, but a shared blog just wasn’t working.
March & April: I continued to post. Then, in
May: I was introduced to linky parties. Weird name, I thought. But I’ve discovered so much through them!
June-August: This was about when I started writing some about myself.
September: After I wrote Dwelling in the Love of God, I mysteriously stopped writing. Just like that. So there was nothing posted in most of that month, nor in October & November, when I started studying with Ligonier.
December: On the 4th, my writer’s brick wall shimmered away, and in its place were Ideas! Ideas for posts not necessarily spiritual in subject matter. And if you have any thoughts on that, please leave me a comment.

And now, the top five posts and top three pages in 2013:

Obedience is Only Instant;Keep Serving With Your Thoughts;
Books, Books, Books;The World We Will InheritTo Go or To Stay

Photos; About RhodaAbout

Here are the acknowledgments that should be woven through every word of mine on this blog:

Firstly, to God. He has kept me and the internet alive. And given me so much inspiration!

Secondly, to my family. To Dad and Mum. And to my four younger brothers.

Then, to the Gonens. Mrs Tehila started blogging in Nov 2012 and was my inspiration and huge encouragement. And of course, Aviel, whose idea this blog first was.

All of these bloggers have been continuously encouraging, challenging, and inspiring me this year! Thank you all!

And thank you to all my readers, who continue to encourage me!

In His service,

To Go or To Stay

For several months now I’ve been feeling God calling me to the mission field. It began with a Bible reading: Jeremiah chapter one verses four to eight. It continued with a missionary’s newsletter, which included this verse : “And He was saying to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” (Luke 10:2)


This call has only been growing stronger since then. I’ve been reading through the book of Acts, and read, spread through chapter 22, these words:
‘Get up and go, why do you delay? Get up, Go! For I will send you far away to the Gentiles.’ (vv. 10, 16, 21) I wanted to go so much that I cried because of this ache I couldn’t dull. I didn’t know how, or where. But I knew that I had to go. Soon.

Then came yesterday.

I sat outside on a piece of roofing iron, crying again. (That happens when you’re growing up 🙂 ) I was wondering suddenly, whether to go or to stay.


My heart was changing… and I wasn’t sure why. This is what I wrote later that evening:  “I was wondering whether to go or to stay. Was ‘go’ a test, to see if, after being called to the mission field, I would be content to stay at home? Crying, I imagined. I imagined a wise man sitting down beside me. He spoke to me, some words of reassurance that God loved me now and forever. Then he turned and pointed to the moon. He said

“See the moon? See the white part, the part where the sun yet illuminates? That is your life, the part you have lived. You can see all of it. Now see the rest of the moon, the dark side? It’s not completely black, but dark brown. And if you look closely, you can see its outline. That is the rest of your life, the part yet to come. The white part shows the simple shape of the rest, but not the particulars. It is this way with your life. The part you have lived, you can see clearly, with all its humps and hollows, ins and outs, ups and downs. The rest, you will see as it comes.”

I had been totally convinced that the way I would be spending a good-sized portion of my life was on the mission field. And when that tugging left, it left me pondering. “Am I called to go, or to stay?” But I learned that knowing my calling isn’t the important thing.

All I need to know about the rest of my life is this:

  1. That I will sin
  2. That God has forgiven all my sins
  3. That I must live in thankfulness to Him for His mercies (Psalm 136)

So I still don’t know whether I am called to go or to stay, but It Doesn’t Matter. Not now. What matters is that I remember to be humble in all circumstances before Almighty God.

And Serve Him with Joy!

Go or Stay

Note: When I posted this, it was more than two weeks after the ‘evening’ and ‘yesterday’ spoken of here.