Singleness and Contentment

singlenessWhen I was about 13, I decided that getting married when I was 17 would be realistic, so I wrote up a chart of when I would start having children. According to that list, I gave birth to triplet girls on the 8th of February 2015 (at age 18). I would then have a son in 2017, another in 2019, have another set of girl triplets 11 months after that, and finally end up having twins, my 13th & 14th children at the age of 31.


No, friends, that simply hasn’t happened! And it doesn’t bother me a bit. In fact, I’m quite glad that I’m not a mother of three. 🙂

I’m not a married woman. I’m still single. And this post is about being single, and being content with life just the way it is.

To me, being single isn’t a big deal. It’s not a bad thing at all! It’s just that marriage isn’t the Lord’s will for me yet. If it ever is, I’ll be happy to accept.

And I think contentment really starts with realising that what you do have comes from God, and you don’t actually deserve any of it. Everything in your life is a gift from God. So thank and praise Him for His gifts, every day.

Another thing is that God is always near. No matter where you are, or how you feel, He is right there with you. You can pour out your heart to Him.

So, sister, if marriage has not come your way, I would encourage you to have a thankful spirit, pray to God often, have a peaceful spirit, and enjoy life the way God has given it to you.

Love, Rhoda

9 thoughts on “Singleness and Contentment

  1. Love the post, as always, Rhoda. Oh, you did make me chuckle…when I was 13, I thought 18 was about the right time to get married (and, at this time, I’m content to think that even that might not happen!). Contentment is so vital, no matter where we are in life.

    I was just talking with my boss today (she’s a Christian), and said something about getting married at 18 (that’s the age one of my aunts was when she got married). She just about flew to the ceiling in astonishment! It’s so unheard of (well, in the circles she grew up/is in, anyway)! 🙂 But, to me, 17 doesn’t seem too bad.

    Thanks again for the encouraging post!

    P.S. Does your family have a history of having triplets? 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks Esther 🙂
      I don’t think it would have been good for me to get married at 17. That’s not to say you shouldn’t, though.
      I once mentioned something like that to a co-worker. She just seemed to have no concept of someone my age getting married! (boyfriend, yes, husband, no 🙂 )
      There are no multiples anywhere in my family that I know of! It was just a good way to fit as many children in as possible 🙂
      God bless!

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’m glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t feel ready (granted, I’m only 16 1/2, but Laura Ingles Wilder was married at this age)!

        True. I think I’d still prefer to have one at a time, even if it did take longer. 🙂

        Blessings to you, as well!

        Liked by 2 people

        • Dearest Sister Esther,

          I am also sixteen! I would love to get married even now, but I know that I am no where near ready yet! (I’m still working on folding laundry properly and not blowing up on people when I’m having a bad day). Still, I would like to get married soon after highschool. Many people think that strange. But I believe that if there’s no place for a husband, there’s no place for a boyfriend either. And if it’s time, God will send him. Right now, I am learning to be content with being single, knowing that there is so much more freedom in it. Mairrage is a blessing, yes. But there is a time for everything. And Paul said it was better to be single. ^~^ But I don’t see myself spending my life that way. I desperately need a man in my life. So, if not my father, then my husband. Well, I guess I could have said all of this better, but I’m in a hurry. So, hope we can talk more later!

          Your sister,
          Kegan Cook

          P.s. I had baby names picked out at a very young age. Don’t feel bad! I think we’re made to think this way. 😉


  2. Hi!

    Thank you for writting this; it is very important! And it´s encouraging to know that somewhere out there, there girls that are striving to love Jesus and find contentment in Him alone!

    I´ve been single for 25 years, and sometimes I do struggle with the idea of being a married woman, but He always reminds me that He is with me and He will never leave me, what else could I want? I must be content!!

    Liked by 2 people

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